Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Star Student and a beautiful quilt

Timothy is so excited to show off his new quilt, made by our friend, Kim Burkhalter. Thank you Kim for taking the time to show this little guy some love through your amazing talent.
Karis was "start student" today at school. She made up a picture book about her family, friends, home, favorite activities, food, etc... Ben, Timothy, and I were invited to be a part of her presentation to her class. Timothy was amazed by all of the activity in her class.

This is our family participating in the presentation. We were so proud of Karis. The ironic thing was that the school had an "intruder lock down" drill while we were there. We had to sit quietly in the dark in a corner of the room with the rest of the class.


Unknown said...

It is amazing how the kids have grown!

Jamye said...

Timothy and Karis are getting so big!