Sunday, October 18, 2009

Catching up!

We've given up on our computer so I'm adding this from Ben's computer. Catching you up... we are watching LOTS of PSU games this fall. A few brave souls have joined in to watch the games with us. THANKS!!!!

A few weeks ago, we ventured to Dyersville, IA to see the "Field Of Dreams" film location with Justin, Cindy, and Norah. It was a lot of fun. This is Karis in front of the house. Notice the purple baseball glove!

Ben and Justin got into a little game with a few of the other tourists. They were like kids on Christmas morning.

I also attended a Halloween part/fundraiser for work. This is Mary and Kathi as Betty and Wilma. Ben made my costume... I was a PURPLE iPod.

Timothy was dedicated at church on October 11th. Unfortunately, we did not take any pictures that morning, but I managed to get a few shots when we got home.